After a late start we headed up to the Anthracites and quickly were at the top of 7th bowl. Frank dropped first:

Then I dropped and was stoked to find some nice knee deep pow (Photo Nick Matisse):

Nick took up the rear:

Frank is leaving for AK tomorrow, so he needed to empty his airbag canister before the flight. Ironically, he deployed it by tripping over it at the bottom:

Then he got in some pow turns on his sled before going home to pack:

After Frank departed, we headed up above Irwin to some of our favorite sledding meadows (Photo Nick Matisse):


and amazing views of the Elks:

Scarp Ridge:

Big avalanches everywhere (this photo was taken standing on the debris of the slide pictured):

Before heading back in we sledded west over Kebler pass. I've never been west of Kebler Pass before, and as always its was great to see somewhere new. I'd like to head farther west out next time, but the sun was setting and it was time to head back. Mount Marcellina to the west:
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